The fact that you’re here on this page tells me something about you, even if we don’t know each other in the slightest.You want to enjoy the peace of mind, confidence, and sense of accomplishment that comes from knowing your research is delivering a continuous flow of solid recommendations for company leadership.Good call!I can probably help you with that, but because I don't know you, I can't say for sure.And you probably don't know me that well either.So... let's meet, get to know each other, and figure out if I can help you.Here's a bit of a heads-up on what will happen when we meet.First, I’ll spend time asking you about your business and current projects, and where you want to get to.I'll ask you a whole bunch of questions, but you won't need to prepare anything because the questions will be straightforward.And at that point, I’ll know if logisort™ is a good fit for your needs. (If it isn’t, I’ll probably be able to recommend something or someone else that would be a better fit.)If logisort™ is the right choice for your business, we can talk about the different ways I work with clients.Of course, you'll be able to ask me questions as well.

BTW: here's what our meeting will NOT be...
Just so you know, your 25-minute meeting is not some sort of “sales ambush” where you get your arm twisted and pushed into something that you don’t want.That’s not my style AT ALL.Instead, it’s a chat between two adults to see if logisort™ is a good choice for you.It's better that I'm upfront with you about what it takes to execute a logisort™ project, rather than have you think you can implement on your own, and then end up frustrated and disappointed when it doesn’t work out that way.And here's what I need from you before you book a time to chat...
Projects have a range of features and fees and we will explore the option that's right for your needs as well as your budget.The only thing I ask is that you come to the meeting seriously committed to see of this product is right for you and that you can afford for us to work together if we agree that it’s a good idea for you.Otherwise, there really is no point in us meeting -- because if we both agree that logisort™ is a good fit, but you can’t afford it, then we’ll both be disappointed.Finally, whatever conclusion we come to at the end of our chat, I want you to feel excited and confident about your future, not frustrated and disappointed. So please read the following statements and click on the check boxes to confirm that your expectations are in line with what will happen on our call.
The Four Agreements